1. List some examples of the traditional Hopi way life (p102/105).
2. How could you follow the Hopi way of life?
3. How is Kendrick Fritz going against the “Status Quo”?
4. Fritz says, “It’s hard to be a Hopi anywhere.” What do you think makes it difficult to be a Hopi? (Think about how whites view Native Americans, how Native Americans view others for “acting like Anglos”, How the Hopi and other Native Americans have been treated)
5. How would you compare the Hopi experience with that of other minority groups in the U.S?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
The World on a Turtle's Back
In the beginning there was only the air and the ocean. In the air existed a Sky World where the gods lived. The was a married couple who lived in the Sky World. The wife was pregnant and had many particular cravings. The husband, fed up with his wife's demands, "accidently" pushed her down a hole near the tree of life. Long story short...she has a daughter who later births twins, a left handed twin and a right handed twin. The left handed is born out of the woman's mouth subsequently killing the woman. The right handed one is born the normal way and ends up angere with his brother. They fight back and forth for many years and compete by creating new life forms. At the end, the right handed twin kills the left handed one. The grand mother is very angy about this, but the right handed twin accuses her of always standing up for the left handed twin's murder of their mother. The right handed twin kills the grandmother and throws her head into the sky where she becomes the moon! What a crazy story huh? Remmber we focused on balance and harmony the comes from this creation myth. Your assignment was to find your own creation myths from the internet or a family member. Here is good place to start. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhPYlFMyfdvKkQ-7K4S9mvkTIn7RgypWObe90KlaJL72zMLhzM8T_QRjRmY21Lwm2DQyLL8Zl3wPT_OCLHXaIqZpF49YsrYedDj4QkbTw7_hdutYIhrsy2xEBu-ejw9L8xK4J1t1Ch7IEk/s320/turtle.jpg&imgrefurl=http://nikhilsblogspot.blogspot.com/2009/09/earth-on-turtles-back-summary.html&usg=__pwPEbrzfTZu4b1ylTHvxXwErFqo=&h=320&w=277&sz=27&hl=en&start=6&sig2=J0Hb7Ew7Q2skGnYUnQcvNQ&um=1&tbnid=bl_Vqs-bDmx7AM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=102&prev=/images%3Fq%3Diroquois%2Bworld%2Bon%2Bthe%2Bturtle%2527s%2Bback%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=IeEGS6GDHtSQnAe1kqjUCw
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
RIT Score!
NWEA says we need to know x,y, and z in order to be a Sophmore. We created a goal for each class, I will have those goals posted shortly. Please visit :http://www.nwea.org/support/article/532
To learn more about the RIT score!
Area of Focus | RIT Score | RIT Goal |
1st Period: Literature | 185 | 200 |
4th Period: Reading Strategies | 201 | 220 |
7th Period: Literature | 200 | 210 |
What is an American?
Crevecoeur had an idea of what an American was…He believed an American was a hardworking foreigner who made it here to be rewarded by his hard work. We discussed if this is still true today…Some people felt it was true, but not entirely. There are changes today. What we failed to realize or define is work! Truly hard work is more than just physical labor. Raising a family, becoming financially dependent, completing college, and finding a reliable career that is hard work!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Why We Read?
According to Harold Bloom, we read for several reasons.... (Same way we play a sport for different reasons: exercise, fun, or competition. We would play each way differently)
Information- Reading for information is a prevalent type of reading. We read to gain information from various places. We read television channels, social network profiles, surveys, instructions, research, and studying. Think about books you’ve read for classes like Math, Science, Spanish, and Art.
Entertainment- Some people read because it is an enjoyable way to pass the time. We update ourselves on the world, get a laugh, become inspired, at times we cry. People use books like movies. Think about books or magazines that you read on your own for fun.
Culture Awareness- We read to make connections within society. This allows us to converse and discuss with one another. Society as a whole can connect by referring to or discussing books that we have all studied in school studied. Think about books that you and your friends from other schools have studied.
Knowledge- We read to gain knowledge on various subjects that we are unfamiliar with. This adds to our knowledge. We can learn about new ideas, topics, people, places, and mistakes. Think about books that you have read that express ideas that you have never even thought of before.
Historical Context- We read to learn about our past in order to prevent future mistakes. We read to understand who we once were to develop who we will become as society tomorrow. We learn about our past, present, and future through this type of writing. Think about books that show you the past, present, or future.
Aesthetic- We read because literature is art! Think poetry and beautiful words. Books, stories, and poems are carefully crafted strong developed writers. These are the types of works that we study in school and live on to be studied for centuries. Think of poems and stories that have reached you on an emotional level or made you laugh, cry, or really think.
Escape- Sometimes we read because we want to escape our everyday lives. We live vicariously (live through the life of another person). We use our imagination to pretend we are the main character in the story and learn from their mistakes and actions. Think about whenever you wanted to be someone from a movie or story you’ve read.
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